
Showing posts from August, 2013


August 18, 2013 A rainy Sunday This is one of those dreary days-weather-wise and emotionally.  It's one of those days when i'm full of self-doubt and questioning just what the Hell am I doing doing what I'm doing. For someone who has never really been comfortable with the way he looks, I find myself questioning my decision to once again throw myself into a business where looks are so important.  And believe me...I know exactly who I am and where I stand.  I'm 48. I'm 6'3 and right about 231 pounds.  I have a little more real estate on my forehead than I used to.  I am not the leading man type.  I comfortable knowing I'm the chubby best friend who is either an alcoholic, gay or who will eventually get killed halfway through the movie but by my death inspire the leading man (in a most excellent montage of working out and gathering weapons ever) to seek revenge on those who did me in.... It's okay. I'm comfortable with that. Some major sta...


Thursday, August 8, 2013 It's funny what you to do get work as an actor and even funnier what you do when you get the job.   Case in point... I'm driving to Surry, VA. to shoot an episode of the A&E True Crime series Killer Kids. I know. Has a nice ring to it. Doesn't it? This is the second time I've worked on this series.  My first experience was shooting The Cody Posey Story. I played a porn-addicted, abusive father who tries to get his step-son to join him and his wife in a three-way. So, basically, a douchebag.  Tomorrow I am shooting The Melissa Garrison Story .  You can read about the case by clicking on the link below: MELISSA GARRISON I'm not playing a douchebag this time. I'm playing a prosecuting attorney. (Waits a beat) You done with all the jokes in your head?Okay. Anyway... Today I will venture out and look for suit jackets and maybe ties that fit 1990's styles. More than likely I will spend most of my day in a number of thrif...
Tuesday, August 6, 2013 I'm not sure anyone is reading this blog.  That's okay.   It really is.   I'm a writer. I enjoy writing.  If someone else enjoys my writing, well then, that's an added bonus. HATERS GONNA HATE I wish I could say all my experiences have been positive.  And...if I'm going to keep it reel ( I know. It's a horrible pun. mea culpa mea culpa) I guess I should say that some not-so-good things have happened as a result of all my recent acting opportunities.  It's life though. Right. And, as we all know, shit happens...sometimes when you least expect it...sometimes from sources you'd least expect...but shit sucks no matter where or who or's why they called it shit and not puppies and gumdrops . Yeah. Haters are going to hate.  As a friend of several years told me, when I talked about what was going on and how some folks were reacting to my current situation,  FUCK 'EM!' he said.  Well. There's n...
Tueaday, July 6, 2013 Looking at my blog I realize it has been a while since I've posted anything. This is due in part to being busy-which is a good thing-a very good thing...and also in part because I'm not sure I really had anything to say. And like my momma said-if you don't have anything to say, don't say anything. There's plenty of people doing that in the world today. There's been a lot going on since my last post. The phone has been ringing and my email in-box is all abuzz. There's nothing like a buzzing inbox.  What?  Well...there isn't. .... ~ I worked as an extra on the set of Netflix's House of Cards , starring Kevin Spacey. I was scheduled for two scenes that day. I first played a bar patron in an upscale Washington, D.C. establishment. I was really only background -background filler though. Just a shadow. A shadow holding a sissy drink.  Let me explain. We all know of course that when you see actors drinking in ...