
Showing posts from August, 2015

Medals & Trophies

Everyone wins a medal.  Everyone gets something just for showing up.  No. No. No.  I'm sorry, but this isn't how it works. This isn't how the world operates and how The Universe deals the cards. Why do we keep perpetuating this way of thinking? Thanks for showing up but you don't get anything until you earn it.  Work hard. Do your best. Guess what. You still may not win.  I think some of the problems we are dealing with in the world today is because most people don't want to work hard. They just want to show up, do the minimal amount expected and then hold their hands out afterwards waiting for their reward.  No. If you don't do your best, you're going to get run over and crushed by those who are willing to push themselves. Survival of the fittest. It's not survival of the least motivated and lazy and untalented and unfit. Never has been but somewhere we slipped and this became the norm.  We are setting ourselves up ...


Be prepared.   It's as simple as that.  BE.  PREPARED.  It doesn't matter if you're heading to set or if you're going to an audition, be prepared.  Before I say anything else, I have to say this: Fellow Actors, It's never just an audition.  Ever. BE.  PREPARED. It's an audition. It's a chance for work.  You are presenting yourself to the world as a professional.  If you have an agent, then you are also representing that person as well.  Reputation is everything in this business. Take it seriously. Be prepared.  If they provide sides, know them .  Why would you drive three hours for an audition and not know the material? Standing on your mark about to be taped is not the place to admit you haven't had a chance to look over the material.  There are no excuses. None.  BE.  PREPARED.  Just keeping it reel. Copyright 201...
LISTENING.   Being Still.   TRUTH.  Some words from Poet Mark Strand “In a field / I am the absence / of field”  “Keeping Things Whole” “I empty myself of the remains of others. I empty my pockets. . . .  I empty myself of my life and my life remains”  “The Remains” “I give up my clothes which are walls that blow in the wind / and I give up the ghost that lives in them. / I give up. I give up.”  “Giving Myself Up” “More is less. / I long for more”  “The One Song” Just keeping it reel and a little deep today. Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved
You asking me ?  I wish I had an answer for you. No. Seriously.  See, if I had an answer for you that means I have an answer.  Here's what I know.  These are listed in no particular order. Trust me. The list isn't that long.  I'm working my ass off trying to find work.  I'm working my ass off educating myself.  I'm literally working my ass off. I have less ass than I used to.  If anything changes, you'll be the first to know.  Well. Second or third to know actually.  Just keeping it reel.  Copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved