Finding My Mark
For as long as I can remember I've wanted to be an actor. And for just as long, I didn't truly understand what that meant. What is acting? What does an actor do? I mean I thought I knew. I thought I understood what acting was... what the job entailed . I was wrong. Well, maybe wrong isn't the right word. In theory I was right. I guess though, in theory, we're all right all the time. Aren't we? In theory ? "Acting is not about being someone different. It's finding the similarity in what is apparently different, then finding myself in there." Meryl Streep What is acting? Wait! I know what acting is. Acting is becoming someone else and saying words someone wrote. Easy. Next question please! That can't be it. Acting is like...shit. How do I say this? I think most people think the same thing about acting. It's like driving a car. Isn't it? You get in and turn the key. One pedal make...