Nobody walks into a job knowing everybody or everything. It takes time to learn everyone's names and everyone's idiosyncrasies. It takes time to learn how things are done. The film and television industry are no different. Especially if you haven't gone to school or worked as an intern on sets. There is a rhythm to things and it takes time to understand that and move with it. Even if you're new to a business, however, you know right from wrong. At least, you should. There are some really simple, basic rules to life that everyone should have a knowledge of by a certain age. Those important lessons we learned in kindergarten really are important and really do play a part as we move along in life. Intentional disregard for the basic rules is no excuse. Right now there is a storm brewing. Clouds of discontent are forming and the winds are changing. Sides are being chosen. Voices are getting just a little louder...