Nobody walks into a job knowing everybody or everything.
It takes time to learn everyone's names and everyone's idiosyncrasies.
It takes time to learn how things are done.
The film and television industry are no different. Especially if you haven't gone to school or worked as an intern on sets. There is a rhythm to things and it takes time to understand that and move with it.
Even if you're new to a business, however, you know right from wrong. At least, you should. There are some really simple, basic rules to life that everyone should have a knowledge of by a certain age. Those important lessons we learned in kindergarten really are important and really do play a part as we move along in life.
Intentional disregard for the basic rules is no excuse.
Right now there is a storm brewing.
Clouds of discontent are forming and the winds are changing. Sides are being chosen. Voices are getting just a little louder from those that are pro and those that are con.
It seems that some background actors working on a project here in Virginia decided to list their background characters on IMDb.
Why is this bad?
Well, like I said, these people manipulated the system to make themselves appear more important in a particular project. Again, nothing wrong or dishonorable with working as a background actor, but these people didn't have any lines. These people weren't in the script as anything other than background. They are misrepresenting themselves. They are twisting the situation to better themselves or what they think are their chances of getting more lead roles. They are deluding themselves. If they think there will not be any repercussions for their deceit, they are deluding themselves even more. It's sad really.
It takes time to learn everyone's names and everyone's idiosyncrasies.
It takes time to learn how things are done.
The film and television industry are no different. Especially if you haven't gone to school or worked as an intern on sets. There is a rhythm to things and it takes time to understand that and move with it.
Even if you're new to a business, however, you know right from wrong. At least, you should. There are some really simple, basic rules to life that everyone should have a knowledge of by a certain age. Those important lessons we learned in kindergarten really are important and really do play a part as we move along in life.
Intentional disregard for the basic rules is no excuse.
Right now there is a storm brewing.
Clouds of discontent are forming and the winds are changing. Sides are being chosen. Voices are getting just a little louder from those that are pro and those that are con.
It seems that some background actors working on a project here in Virginia decided to list their background characters on IMDb.
**IMDb is now the world's most popular and authoritative source for movie, TV and celebrity content. We offer a searchable database of more than 100 million data items including more than 2 million movies, TV and entertainment programs and more than 4 million cast and crew members.**
Basically, IMDb allows actors and other professionals to list their work.
Opinions vary, but most agree that background actors should not list their background work on IMDb. It's not because working as a background actor is a bad thing. It's not. It's work and work is a good thing. If you want to pursue a career as an actor and your goal is to move up to more featured roles, speaking parts, you shouldn't list your background work on your resume or on IMDb.
Of course, if background work is the only work you've done as you pursue your career, then list it on your resume but remove those background roles as you work more high profile projects. Constantly edit out the background work.
Do not list your background work on IMDB.
Casting directors hate that. Some are more vocal than others, but most hate it. Posting your background work on IMDb has an air of desperation about it and nothing turns off a casting director like desperation.
A lot of background actors still list their background work on IMDb.
I did until recently. Mostly because I didn't know. I had heard from people who told me "Yes. List your background work on IMDb." I heard from just as many who told me "No. Don't list your work on IMDb."
Now I know better and have recently begun the process of removing my background work. It'll take a while. It's not like changing your address at the post office.
I didn't know when I first started and now I do and now I am taking the proper steps to fix the situation.
The drama which has people up in arms recently is that people who worked on this project currently in production as background have not only listed themselves on IMDb but have taken it one step further and created characters for themselves. They lied. They posted false information.
There's no excuse. None whatsoever.
Here's what I wrote on my Facebook page:
"As actors, we must live truthfully. When you strip away all the lights and cameras and hoopla of the business, it is still a business. We must conduct ourselves accordingly. That is to say we must carry ourselves professionally, honestly, and with some integrity. LYING is never good and if you think people won't find out and there won't be some sort of repercussion, you are deluding yourself.
Be truthful in your work. Be truthful in how you conduct yourself.
Honor takes a lifetime to achieve and just seconds to lose."
Why is this bad?
Well, like I said, these people manipulated the system to make themselves appear more important in a particular project. Again, nothing wrong or dishonorable with working as a background actor, but these people didn't have any lines. These people weren't in the script as anything other than background. They are misrepresenting themselves. They are twisting the situation to better themselves or what they think are their chances of getting more lead roles. They are deluding themselves. If they think there will not be any repercussions for their deceit, they are deluding themselves even more. It's sad really.
It's also a reflection of all actors who live and work here in Virginia.
This is a small faction of people but the perception affects us all and that's what pisses me off. I work too hard. I am incredibly protective of my reputation...because it's mine. I worked for it. I earned it. With every job, every shoot, every 15 hour day.
I don't want to be lumped in with some jack wagon who wants to make shit up on the Internet.
There are 1000's of talented, hardworking actors here in Virginia. Even more in The Mid-Atlantic Region. We fight for the work we get and are fiercely protective of our reputations.
If you're not sure of how to do something, ask someone. Then ask somebody else. Then ask a third person and then a fourth. Do your do diligence. Do your homework.
Don't find the one answer you want to hear on the Internet and then quote it as truth to suit your needs. Don't read this and think my opinion is the only one. These are just my thoughts.
I am a different actor from when I first started.
I am a better-informed person about this business than when I first started. Only because I did my homework and in some cases, had to screw up before I knew the right way from the wrong way. I had to touch the stove a few times before I learned it was hot.
Nobody is perfect.
Everybody kinda knows right from wrong though.
Everyone knows lying is bad.
Any way...that's just my opinion.
As always...
Just keeping it reel.
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