Well, here are. We're living in a time of a major health crisis: COVID 19 or The Corona Virus. The world as we used to know it has ceased to be. We are a world, a country, isolating itself in an attempt to protect ourselves. We are wearing masks now. Well,, some of us are wearing masks. There are always those who think they are immune to things like COVID 19 and, even scarier, there are those who think the whole thing, this whole worldwide pandemic , is a hoax. So in protest, they refuse to become government puppets and wear their masks. Needless to say the problem is not going away any time soon. So here we sit, waiting for the world to start again. Thousands die every day. There doesn't seem to be any real idea of when it will end. In fact there is a real concern with the approaching cold and flu season, the problem that is The Corona Virus will only get worse. Where then, you might ask, does that leaves actors and other professionals in this industry? ...