Don't Care
Ain't that some shit to see listed as points to remember when taping an audition or performing an audition live?
How can you not care? This is your career we're talking about here. Not care? What's the point then? I mean, why am I doing this? Doesn't a casting director want to see that I care? That I give one damn about the project they're casting? That I really want to land the role they've asked me to audition for? Doesn't any of that matter?
Well, yes and no.
Yes, they want to see that you have prepared for your audition. They want to see you've thought about who your character is and that you understand the context of the scene.
They don't want to see you act, though. And they sure as Hell don't want to see that you care about getting the job, that you're worried about getting the job. They don't want to see anything but you as that character presenting a truthful, real performance.
Everything else is just noise and distraction.
Let me ask you a question: At one point does your caring about getting a role become getting desperate about getting a role?
See. There's a fine line and you have to really understand who you are to know when you've even just tiptoed across that line.
Casting directors can smell desperation on you like you're covered in a cloud of cigarette smoke. It's a turn off. It's noise. It's distraction.
Want the job.
Care about the job.
Just don't show of any that in your taped or live audition. Stay focused. Listen to any notes you are given. You can't hear notes if you're in head talking to yourself about how much you really, really, Oh God, I REALLY need this fucking job.
In the end the only thing you can control in an audition is how much you have prepared and how focused you are, how real you are when you perform the scene you have been given.
The rest is out of your control. So don't even try.
Set it and forget it.
Shake it off. Move on. Keep moving forward.
The moment you stop being in the present and disappear into your own head to watch that same old movie you keep playing up there is the moment you lose the plot.
just keeping it reel
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