The adventure begins!
(cue Theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark!)

Yes. I am opening another chapter in the book of my life, which, as most of you remember, is a pop-up book. 
Tomorrow (Holy crap! Tomorrow!) I begin work as an extra, a performer in a film who typically appears in a nonspeaking capacity, usually in the background, in National Geographic Channel's Killing Kennedy
Killing Kennedy is based on the book Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard. The 2012 non-fiction book is about the 1963 assasination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy. 
Killing Kennedy will be directed by Nelson McCormick and will star Rob Lowe as J.F.K and Ginnifer Goodwin as Jacqui. And as The Doctor. Uh. Not that Doctor, Dr. Who fans. I will not be replacing Matt Smith on the popular BBC show. 
Well. Not yet anyway. 
I don't know which doctor I will playing. There were so many in the trauma room when JFK was brought in after being shot by Oswald...or Oswald and others if you believe like me that he did not act alone. I could be one of 9 or ten. 
I will find out tomorrow for sure. 
I am ready for my close-up. 
I finally found all the clothes I need. Clothes, that is, that look 1960's. 
I've got my white shirt, black pants, thin (thin!) black tie and a simple man's jacket that although not itself from the '60's, looks close enough. 
It's been a scramble the last few days. Racing from thrift store to thrift store trying to find just the right clothes...just the right clothes that would fit me. 
I wear a 46-LONG. 
Good luck with that! I would have had better luck trying to baby shoes in a size 12. It's times like these that I feel like the world is filled with midgets. Midgets who take all their little hand-me-down clothes to the Goodwill. 

This is just the beginning, folks. 
I hope this goes somewhere. 
Right now I think I am filming Killing Kennedy scenes for a total of three days. I am excited and nervous.  This is a great opportunity and I want to make sure I represent myself well. 
I mean. Seriously. 
Who wants to look like a dickhead in front of Rob Lowe?

keeping it reel
copyright 2013


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