January 19, 2014

The next few weeks are going to be an emotional roller coaster ride for me. 
There's a lot going on and I'm excited and scared and a little nauseous. 

I will continue turning this week. A huge thank you to Arvold Casting (http://arvoldcasting.com/) for the opportunity to work on this most amazing television series. Every day is a learning experience. Seeing how different directors work is an invaluable practical opportunity. It's the best classroom for someone in my position. I'm watching every aspect of the production, keeping my ears open and taking it all in. Every day is a reminder that I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. My heart races every time I step onto set. 

This coming weekend, January 24th and 25th will bring to an end a three and half year run with the Richmond-based improvisational comedy group West End Comedy. (http://wecomedy.com/)

I am proud of what I have accomplished these last three years. I have done my best to be the best ambassador for the group I can be. I have been the Creative Artistic Director, player and cheerleader. I know that's a frightening thought...me in spanky pants and a short skirt. 
I am proud that I have always given 100% and I hope you have enjoyed some of what I did. 
Norman will always be a part of me and for those of you who have seen our shows will get that reference. It is ironic that my last shows with this talented group fall on National Belly Laugh Day.
I am going to be fighting tears as I try to bring the funny.
It's been a good run. We've come along way as a group..as individuals...as performers. 
My sincerest gratitude to everyone in the group for allowing me to do whatever it is I do when I'm stage. I've learned so much. I love improv...and maybe...one day...I will try my hand at it again. 
Thank you James Wasilewski for the opportunity to be part of West End Comedy.
I have memories I will cherish forever. 
Thank you friends for all your creative energy and passion you have shared over the last 4 seasons.
Thank you also to our three venues: HATTheatre, CenterStage/Richmond and Swift Creek Mill Theatre.
And finally...THANK YOU to our fans who have been there...with us...laughing and shouting out suggestions...from the very beginning...you know who you are...Rob...Scott...Karen and Michael...my mom..Taylor..and so many others. 
Your applause and laughter have carried me through some really tough times. 
Goodbyes are never easy. This coming weekend will be no exception. 

The HEART Television Series, based on the best-selling series of books by Richmond author Iris Bolling premieres on The CW/Richmond on February 15, 2014. I am proud to be part of this production...of this family...and cannot wait to see where the story takes us all. I do have a leading role...my first in a television series...and I cannot wait to bring the character Iris has created to life. I've never played anyone like this character and I will be drawing on dark energies and emotions. It is going to be a challenge. I can't wait! 

Like I said...there's a lot going on and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed right now. 
It's exciting. It's scary. 
Seize the day! Right? Seize the day! 

I have an idea of what the future holds for me. No one knows for sure, though, I guess. I just know what I want to accomplish and have some goals I'm trying to reach. 2014 will be my year.

Robert DeNiro once said 'If you don't go..you won't know.'
I like that. 
So...here I go. 

Just keeping it reel folks. 

Copyright 2014
All Rights Reserved


  1. Mr. Matzer- back in 2010 when West End Comedy didn't even have a name and there were only seven of us at the founding - you are a talented person and a good friend. Your presence will be missed, but your friendship will be cherished. Best of luck and we wish you all of the successes out there. Don't forget us!

    James W.


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