Rejection is just part of the game.
You can't have a football game without tackles and golf wouldn't be golf unless someone ended up in a sand trap.
It comes down to control, or the lack there of, of control.
As an actor, the only thing I have control over is how prepared I am to audition. All I can do is study my sides (lines my character says) and try to figure out who the character is and how and why he says in the scene I am given. I should look nice and have good breath. I should arrive a few minutes before my scheduled time and be respectful of others who are there to audition.
Those are the things in my control.
Those are the only things in my control.
If I get a callback and there are notes for that callback, then I take those notes to heart and do my best to tweak my audition to better match what those in control want me to do.
I can't control if I match what the casting director or director has imagined the character to look, sound or act like.
I can only be me being the character I am auditioning for at that moment to the best of my ability, using everything I've got, giving it everything I've got. That's all I can do. That's my job.
To do the work to get the job.
Everything else is out of my control.
Everything else is out of my control.
Everything else is out of my control.
Everything else is out of my control.
Everything else is out of my control.
I just have to keep telling myself that and keep pushing forward.
It's hard. It's much harder sometimes. This is not a game for the weak though. You have to be able to take the hits and dig yourself out of the sand.
Just keeping it reel.
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