That Thing You Do

Too often you hear people describe an actor or actress by saying that have the it factor

What does that mean? Or has the term been around so long and used so many times it doesn't really have a meaning anymore? 

I'm curious. 

What does being one of the blessed with the it factor really mean? Is there an actual, tangible quality which makes an actor more special than another actor and gives them an edge socially and professionally?

Does Brad Pitt have it? I'm pretty sure he does. But what is it he has? I guess what I'm asking here is: If Brad Pitt looked differently, would he be Brad Pitt? 

It's human nature to be attracted to...well...the attractive. So being beautiful or handsome certainly can't hurt you in your pursuit of a Hollywood career. At some point, though, you're going to have to do more than just stand there and look pretty. You're going to have to open your mouth and say something. 

Pitt is certainly more than just a pretty face and he does so much more than just stand and look pretty. 

Meryl Streep sure as Hell has it and so one would conclude that talent is a huge part of the it factor. The camera also likes here quite a bit. 

Katherine Hepburn had it. So, can we then add spunk and confidence and intelligence into the it factor recipe?

Cary Grant is the personification of the it factor in my humble opinion. Grant had looks, talent, spunk, confidence, intelligence and charm. I mean, if I'm wrong, tell me.

Even this It had it. The stuff of nightmares but there was something there and people loved 

Look. What is boils down to is...and this might sting a little...

is when it comes to the it factor, you either have it or you don't. Wanting it won't make it happen. It is a phenomenon that occurs naturally. You can't synthesize it or copy it. You can't buy it off the rack or order it online. You're either born with or...

You're one of the ten million schmucks like me who just have to get by not being so special.

I think the era of Hepburn's and Grant's is fading. That's not to say we don't have movie stars anymore. Just the opposite is true. We have many movie stars. It's movie actors which are getting increasingly rare. 

We have a lot of stars. We have a lot of celebritiesHell, we'll make a celebrity out of anyone in this country these days. Reality television contestants, YouTube sensations or people who just happened to be in the right place at the right time when someone had their cellphone in hand all seem to be making the move to Hollywood. 

Maybe that's alright though. Maybe it doesn't matter how you get somewhere as long as you get to where you want to be. 

Imagine if the internet existed in the 1930's, 1940's or 1950's. Marilyn Monroe would most definitely be on Instagram. 

Does having the it factor give you the edge over other actors? Does it influence casting decisions. Uh. Yeah. It sure does. Win the room. Win the part. 

Can a person without it acquire it?

I think an actor can certainly build a reputation based on their body of work. Critical acclaim plays a small part in that. That is to say, if you add the prefix Oscar-winning (Hell even Oscar-nominated) to an actor's name, ear prick up when it comes to casting. 

I think though that when it comes to looks or confidence or that certain twinkle in your arm or shine that catches the eye of the public, you are born with those things. Your special because not everyone is and in turn we want to be those people because they are what we can not. Our envy drives us. 

And come on! A lot of the people who have been labeled as having the if factor are people we want to like. We're fans. For whatever reasons. We want to watch their movies or television shows. We want to listen to their songs. We want to stand in line for hours at conventions for a chance to tell them how much we love their work...or them. 

Nowadays even actors or actresses with it need be wary. 

Charm, wit, talent and good looks can't protect you when public opinion turns because of something you said or did. Which has been the case with more frequency of late. Nobody is safe. Nobody. 

Get drunk and make a racist or insensitive comment, be sober and make a racist or insensitive comment, sexually harass or even be accused of sexual improprieties and it won't matter how good looking, talented or witty you are. 

The it is going to hit the fan.

just keeping it reel
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