Oh What Big Lies You Have
I've been watching the Jussie Smollet saga unfold over the last few weeks just as the world has. I have to admit that elements of his story didn't make sense to me...
White, Pro-Trump racists who knew you from your FOX Television show Empire? Really?
R E A L L Y?
I guess anything's possible.
But I digress...
I have to admit that elements of his story didn't make sense to me...but I reserved judgement until more evidence was introduced.
White, Pro-Trump racists who knew you from your FOX Television show Empire? Really?
R E A L L Y?
I guess anything's possible.
But I digress...
I have to admit that elements of his story didn't make sense to me...but I reserved judgement until more evidence was introduced.
You always want to, always must, give the victim of any kind of crime the benefit of the doubt. You want to weigh all the facts and see where the narrative leads you and then, hopefully, the story will end with the truth being revealed.
Certainly, if events occurred as Smollet has claimed, this was a brutal and horrific attack.
The actor and musician had apparently been the victim of an alleged hate crime which contained right wing, homophobic rhetoric and physical violence.
The nation, maybe even the world, rallied to support him.
Alas, it seems, in the last few days, evidence is telling a completely different story from the one Smollet had been passionately retelling.
We've come to learn however, Smollet, allegedly (do we need to keep saying allegedly??) created the whole scenario. He set it all up. He knew the men who attacked him and he paid them for their services with a check. A check! And why? Because he wanted more money and more attention.
Sadly (pathetically) the only thing Jussie Smollet is a victim of is own ego.
(Heavy sigh)
this is where I will end this entry. Not because I don't have anything else to say but because Jussie Smollet has gotten enough attention for his bullshit actions.
There are real victims out there who need real help. There are law enforcement agencies which need to be spending their time investigating real crimes.
So why did I include this on my acting blog? I wrote a post about this story because there is, believe it or not, a lesson here for actors.
ACTORS: If you want to renegotiate your salary, don't stage a fake hate crime. I wouldn't think that needed to be said but we are living in very strange times.
However this story ends...
And evidence is still being presented as of 2/28/19...
it's tragic. Nobody wins.
just keeping it reel
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