The Reel Problem
This post isn't so much about acting as it is about watching actors.
Or rather, not watching actors.
I went to the movies last. If you know me, I don't often go to the movies on a weekday night.
Nonetheless, we went.
Somewhere along the way we as a society have lost the ability to sit in a dark movie theater and watch a movie. I don't know when it happened, but I'm sure it has something to do with the invention of the cellphone.
This wasn't an issue when I worked as a theater manager. The challenges we dealt with were things like people with their feet on the seat in front of them, people talking, babies crying and, in one extreme case, a guy who had set up a tripod and camera so he could record the movie and later sell as a bootleg.
Hand. To. God.
We have cellphones now and apparently we can't simply turn them off and disconnect from the world for more than five minutes...much less two hours.
There is nothing more annoying than sitting in a dark movie theater and seeing the blinding white glare of a cellphone screen.
Sitting in the theater last night I was distracted by no less than seven people holding up their phones so they could post on Facebook and Instragram and text someone who apparently couldn't make it to the movie so they needed constant updates.
A few people were talking to themselves. A few were talking back to the actors onscreen.
And for the record, because I speak from experience, the actors can't hear you. You can scream "Don't go into the basement!" as loud and as passionately as you want but they're going to go down there and get stabbed.
I love going to the movies. It's my escape. I turn my phone off and hopefully disappear for a little bit. I know perfectly well the real world is going to be waiting for me as I step into the bright light of day. I just want to sink into my seat and be transported somewhere else as the lights of the theater dim.
I don't want to see the glare of your Tetris game assaulting my eyes like halogen headlights on a rainy night.
Come on, people.
If you can't put your phone down for an hour and half because you're addicted to social media and crushing candy, don't go to the movies. Stay home. Put on your ugly pajamas, order a pizza and text away!
And if you're reading this while you're sitting in a movie theater supposedly watching a movie, thanks.
Now turn your damn phone off and WATCH THE MOVIE.
just keeping it reel
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