Tuning The Instrument
I had some goals for myself entering 2019.
Work is always at the top of list of any list of goals I set for myself. I think most actors would nod their heads in agreement.
As I've stated before, work is good.
Fire bad. Work good.
The other major goal I set for myself was to get healthy. Get healthy is not-so-subtle code for lose weight. Not that I was overweight but I had indulged in a Christmas cookie or two over the holidays.
So I set a weight for myself. A very attainable weight. I have to be realistic. I'm not going to wear the same size jeans I wore in high school. I'm a big guy. I just don't need to be such a big guy.
So I designed a workout plan and stuck to a sensible diet. It's just common sense, really.
No fast food. None.
No cakes or cookies, which, if you know me, know my sweet tooth is my Achilles heel.
I don't smoke (never have!) and I'm not a big drinker. I don't gamble.
I could however put a bakery out of business.
And while I'm on this point...let me just get this out...
Dear Pepperidge Farm,
Two Milano cookies is not a portion. I'm not even sure if one of those white sleeve-cup things is a portion. Rework your math. Please. And thank you.
Any way...
It's been a hard road this sticking to goals things. I have had three back surgeries, five knee surgeries and suffer from migraine headaches, aggravated by the arthritis in my neck. This winter was particularly brutal for me.
I know. I know. Suck it up, Buttercup.
I have set goals for myself and I intend to meet them. No matter the challenge. No matter the pain.
Three months later and I am a total weight loss of 27 pounds.
I've taken two inches off my waist. I feel pretty good. And that's what it is about. Feeling good. Clearing out the cobwebs. Tuning the instrument.
As an actor my body is my instrument and it has to be in tune.
I've got a few pounds to go. The work continues.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go enjoy my celery stalk.
just keeping it reel
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