Set It and Forget It

The audition. 

This is the moment. There is no turning back. 
All your preparation. All your groundwork. 

Don't think. Just breathe. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. 
And then just do it. 

Don't act. React. 
Listen. To every word.

And then walk away. Take a beat. Exhale. And work on the next audition. 

There's going to be a moment or maybe even two moments in which you will think about all the things you should have done during that audition. You'll beat yourself up about a missed line or an eye blink or a misplaced hair or that you put the wrong emphasis on a particular word or phrase. 

This is normal. This is part of the process. 

Are you done? Good. 
Get off your ass. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, or proud of yourself, and move on. 

There's work to be done. 

Get to it.

just keeping it reel
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all rights reserved



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